A new Story

Created by Heather 11 years ago
Kayla was a very happy baby and hardly ever cried. No one will forget her big blue eyes and her cheeky smile. She went on her first holiday at 7 months to walt Disney world in florida and loved it! She loved the bright colours and loved going in the pool every day. In the short time she was with us we gave her the best of everything and we were the best mummy and daddy we could of been to her. Loosing a child when we are only 20 and 21 ourselves is very hard and no one can ever prepare you for the pain it causes no matter how old you are or how old your child is. Kayla passed away when I was 8 weeks pregnant with her little sister, Fayth was born 8th April and I really hope Kayla is proud of her as I know Fayth will be very proud of her and will look up to her with the angels in the sky! x